Sun. 2/2 The Wired Word Adult Class (Gathering Room) 9 am; Worship with Rev. Darla Goodrich & FCC Choir (Sanctuary and online) 10:15 am;VBS volunteer call-out (Fellowship Hall) 11:20 am; Bells & chimes practice (Bell room) 11:40 am;(W)holy Welcome (Gathering Room) 4:30 - 6:30 pm
Mon. 2/3 Scouts Committee Meeting 6pm; Scouts 6:30 pm
Tues. 2/4 Pathfinder articles due to Crystal; Elders (Gathering Room) 7 pm—Elders meeting cancelled.
Wed. 2/5 WOW 4:30 pm; Choir practice 7:15 pm
Thurs. 2/6 Men’s Coffee (Gathering Room) 9 am; Cruisers (Pizza Hut) 11:30 am
Fri. 2/7 New Pathfinder newsletter; Family Movie Night (Hotel for Dogs) 6 pm
Sun. 2/9The Wired Word Adult Class (Gathering Room) 9 am ; Scout Sunday—Worship with Rev. Darla Goodrich & the FCC choir (Sanctuary & online) 10:15 am; Bells & chimes practice (Bell Room) 11:30 am
Mon. 2/10 FCC Bookclub (THE LITTLE BOOK OF HYGGE) (Gathering Room) 3:30 pm; Scouts (upper room) 6:30 pm
Tues. 2/11 Hey Mom (Gathering Room) 10 am-12 noon; Staff meeting (Sonshine Room) 12:30-1:30 pm
Men’s Pool (upper room) 7 pm
Wed. 2/12 NO WOW 4:30 pm; Choir Practice 7:15 pm
Thurs. 2/13 Men’s Coffee (Gathering Room) 9 am; Men’s Pool (upper room) 7 pm
Sun. 2/16 The Wired Word Adult Class (Gathering Room) 9 am; Worship w/ Rev. Kevin Toth & FCC choir (Sanctuary and Facebook) 10:15 am; Bells & chimes practice 11:30 am; (W)holy Welcome (Gathering room) 4:30 -6:30 pm
Mon. 2/17 Scouts (upper room) 6:30 pm
Tues. 2/18 Pathfinder articles due; Euchre (Gathering Room) 1 pm; Coordinating Council (Gathering Room) 7 pm; Governing Board (Gathering Room) 8 pm
Wed. 2/19 Wow 4:30 pm; Choir practice 7:15 pm
Thurs. 2/20 Men’s Coffee (Gathering Room) 9 am; Ladies Lunch Bunch (Gathering Room) 12:30 pm
Fri. 2/21 New Pathfinder
Sun. 2/23 Adult Wired Word Class (Library) 9 am; Worship w/ Rev. Darla Goodrich & FCC choir (Sanctuary & Facebook) 10:15 am; Bells & Chimes practice 11:30 am; Week of Compassion Bake Auction (Sanctuary) 11:30am Multi-church Youth Group (FCC) 3:30 pm
Mon. 2/24 Scouts (upper room) 6:30 pm
Tues. 2/25 Staff meeting (Sonshine Room) 12:30 - 1:30 pm: Men’s Pool (upper room) 7 pm
Wed. 2/26 WOW 4:30 pm; Choir practice 7:15 pm
Thurs. 2/27 Men’s Coffee (Gathering Room) 9 am; Men’s Pool (upper room) 7 pm
Fri. 2/28 Age of Understanding (Fellowship Hall) 5:30 pm

Pastor Kevin will be on vacation 2/10 - 2/14 (Pastor Darla will be on call)

Pastor Darla will be on vacation 2/15 - 2/17

Crystal Hahnstadt, Communications, will be on vacation 2/28- 3/9


To add something to the schedule, email 211fccville@gmail.com


Voices for Peace ecumenical event


New member fellowship event