Children and Youth Ministries

Worship & Wonder: Children’s Church

Children’s Worship & Wonder (W&W) is a faith formation worship centered approach with storytelling, ritual, and fellowship. During Sunday worship, children ages 3 to 10 are invited to follow the children’s church teacher to the W&W room and engage with a different Bible story using multi-sensory materials. Children will have the opportunity to wonder more about the story and how they are a part of the bigger Christian story.

W&W does not occur on the last Sunday every month or during special events such as Choir Cantatas, as a way for children to participate in worship with the whole church community.

Wonder of Wonders (W.O.W.)

Our intergenerational youth program meets every Wednesday (September-April) from 4:30 pm - 7 pm

All youth from as young as preschool to as old as the 12th grade are invited to participate in a fun faith learning experience with tons of fellowship, food, and bible lesson stories!

Please contact Pastor Kevin if you have any questions or wish to join us!

You can register your children (preschool to 12th grade) by filling out our online registration form.

Multi-Church Youth Group

All youth 4th grade and older are invited to join the youth from Wabash Avenue Presbyterian Church, St. John’s Episcopal Church and Christ Lutheran Church for an ecumenical youth gathering! Each month, a different church will host youth and have an opportunity for fellowship and provide service to the community! Check the calendar for dates of upcoming events.

Please contact Pastor Kevin if you have any questions. 

Vacation Bible School

VBS is a wonderful five day experience where children come to explore their faith through interactive faith learning activities.

Stay tuned for information on VBS 2025 (June 9-13)

Summer Camp

The Indiana Disciples of Christ region supports one campground in Indiana:

For information on the 2025 Camps, visit the Regional Indiana Disciples website.