Lenten Sermon Series

begins on Sunday, March 9th!

Worship with us in person or online Sundays at 10:15am


Worship with us in person or online Sundays at 10:15am *

Come, children of God, just as you are.

Wherever you are on this journey of life, you are welcome here. In this place. In this community. At First Christian Church.

We are Disciples of Christ, a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world. As part of the one body of Christ we welcome all to the Lord’s Table as God has welcomed us.

True community. Deep spirituality. Visible faith.

We come from many places, differing in age, race, orientation, politics, and even our religious history and upbringing. We celebrate diversity and the fact that we all are welcome to come together through God’s encompassing grace, which is given to all. We have an active and welcoming community dedicated to living our faith through acts of service and justice.


Join us for worship.

Visitors and friends are always welcome at First Christian Church. Although we hold to many traditions, passed down through the years, we do so in a relaxed and welcoming way—think of it as “traditional casual.” We love our children and provide opportunities for them to participate as well. Come one, come all—you are welcome here. Even if you are unable to join us in person, you may worship with us online.

We joyfully celebrate open communion. This means that ALL are welcome to participate regardless of church background or denominational affiliation.